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Mission Statement

I’ve been in the film industry since 1990, and I’ve worn many hats. The one that ultimately fit me best was documentary filmmaker.

I’ve had the great privilege of being the keeper of the flame for many incredible stories. I’ve told them the best I could, and some of them got some great attention. I’ve been lucky.

The one nut I could never crack was distribution. It’s such a fucking grind. And my career kind of coincided with the death of physical media.

It’s an industry full of gatekeepers...People seem less interested in storytelling.

And I’m done complaining.

After a particularly dicey experience, I came upon the idea to try and get my stuff out on my own.

Inspired very much by the DIY attitude of my mentor Kevin Smith.

So… I’m going to bet on myself.

I spent this much of my life telling stories… and I’m going to spend the rest of it fulfilling my duty to share them.

I’ve always been a fan of William Goldman’s adage about the business “Nobody knows anything.”

So that makes us all equal.

And hopefully, if I can figure this out… I can help others with a chance to share their own stories.

At this point in my life

I see nothing more worthy.

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